Fabrication Bilayers | Self-Folding Boxes | Moving Si Plates | Origami Flower | Thickness Color Chart Polymer Deposition Conjugated polymers can be deposited in a variety of ways, but are typically deposited electrochemically or by spin coating or casting. For a chart showing the color of PPy(DBS) as a function of film thickness, see below. For further information, see: "Microfabrication of PPy microactuators and other conjugated polymer devices," E. Smela, J. Micromech. Microeng, 9, 1-18, 1999.
For further information, see: "Controlled Folding of Micron-Size Structures," E. Smela, O. Inganäs, and I. Lundström, Science, 268(5218), 1735-1738, 1995.
For details, refer to: "Electrochemically Driven Polypyrrole Bilayers for Moving and Positioning Bulk Micromachined Silicon Plates," E. Smela, M. Kallenbach, and J. Holdenried, J. Microelectromechanical Systems, 8(4), 373-383, 1999.
The color of PPy(DBS) deposited on Au changes as it increases in thickness up to ~1 mm (after that it appears black), as shown in the color chart below. The color is therefore a good indication of the thickness. Bear in mind that the colors shown here are for dry films, and will be different from what you see when the films are immersed, or recently removed from water.
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