Assistant Professor in Aerospace Engineering from 1999-2005.
Now an Associate Professor at the Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor.
http://aerospace.engin.umich.edu/people/faculty/atkins/ |
Assistant Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering from 2003-2004.
Now with the National Center for Smart Growth Research and Education at the University of Maryland.
http://www.smartgrowth.umd.edu/whoweare/facultyandstaff-kellyclifton.htm |
Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering from 1999-2005.
Now President of Phoenix Engineering Associates, Inc.
Assistant Professor in Materials and Nuclear Engineering from 1996-2002.
Now at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Reactors Systems Analysis Branch. |
Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering from 1981 through
Spring 2009.
Starting in Fall 2009, Dewberry Professor and Chairman of the Dept
of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering at the George Mason University, Virginia. |
Professor in Chemistry and Biochemistry with a joint appointment in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering from before 1983 through 2008. (Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1990-1993.)
Now Provost at Mills College, Oakland, CA.
http://www.mills.edu/administration/provosts_office/provost_bio.php |
Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering from before 1992 through 1995.
Now Department Head & Professor of Civil Engineering at Penn State University.
http://water.engr.psu.edu/johnson.html |
Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1999.
Now an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University.
http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~dianam/ |
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering 1994 -2000.
Now a Professor of Engineering at Norfolk State University.
http://www.nsu.edu/engineering/faculty/mead.html |
Assistant Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering from before 1992 through 1994.
Now an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech.
http://www.ece.gatech.edu/faculty-staff/fac_profiles/bio.php?id=72 |
Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering from 1998-2004.
Associate Professor in Reliability Engineering (part of Materials Science and Engineering, and then in 2003 part of Mechanical Engineering) from 1995-1999.
Now a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Ohio State University.
http://www.mecheng.osu.edu/people/carol-smidts |